Compute Unit Cost

Compute units are a measure of the computational resources consumed by each API call. The pricing is based on the complexity and resource requirements of individual APIs.

API NameEndpointCost (CUs)
Supported networks/defi/networks1
Token Price/defi/price10
Price - Multiple/defi/multi_price20
Price - Historical/defi/history_price5
Trades - Token/defi/txs/token10
Trades - Pair/defi/txs/pair4
OHLCV - Pair/defi/ohlcv/pair15
OHLCV - Base/Quote/defi/ohlcv/base_quote15
Token - List/defi/tokenlist25
Token - List v2 (full list, no limit per call, only for business)/defi/v2/tokens/all995
Token - Security/defi/token_security50
Token - NewGems (Business package)<release soon>75
Token - Overview/defi/token_overview5
Defi - Market List/defi/v2/markets50
Token - Creation Info/defi/token_creation_info10
Supported Networks/v1/wallet/list_supported_chain1
Wallet Portfolio/v1/wallet/token_list45
Wallet Portfolio - Multichain/v1/wallet/multichain_token_list125
Wallet - Token Balance/v1/wallet/token_balance1
Wallet Transaction History/v1/wallet/tx_list55
Wallet Transaction History - Multichain/v1/wallet/multichain_tx_list165
Transaction Simulation/v1/wallet/simulate125

WebsocketCost (CUPB - Compute Unit Per Byte)