Trending tokens

Retrieve a dynamic list of trending tokens.

*API Endpoint:** /defi/token_trending

Description: This endpoint retrieves a dynamic and up-to-date list of trending tokens based on specified sorting criteria. Users can discover the hottest tokens in the market by sorting them by rank, liquidity, or 24-hour trading volume in USD. The response provides essential details such as rank, liquidity, and 24-hour volume, making it easy to stay ahead in the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency.


Request Method: GET

Data Coverage: Multi-chain

Request URL:


Request Headers:

accept: application/json
x-chain: any chains that Birdeye supports. Example: solana, ethereum


KeyData TypeDetailsExample
sort_bystringThe attribute to sort the tokens by. Supported values: rank (default), liquidity, volume24hUSD.rank
sort_typestringThe order to sort the tokens in. Supported values: asc (default), desc.asc
offsetintegerThe number of records to skip from the start. Default is 0.0
limitintegerThe maximum number of records to return. Supported values: <= 20, Default is 20.3


The response provides a list of trending tokens based on the specified sorting criteria, along with their rank, liquidity, and 24-hour volume in USD.

Example Request:

curl --request GET \
     --url '' \
     --header 'X-API-KEY: YOUR_API_KEY' \
     --header 'x-chain: solana'

Example Response:

    "success": true,  
    "data": {  
        "updateUnixTime": 1720012620,  
        "updateTime": "2024-07-03T13:17:00",  
        "tokens": [  
                "address": "EphmxhQwGYtC3qMBLjywoF7PcCp6XnbBhUVLzz966UR7",  
                "decimals": 6,  
                "liquidity": 572411.039201234,  
                "logoURI": "",  
                "name": "Barron Trump",  
                "symbol": "BARRON",  
                "volume24hUSD": 2793145.1025349544,  
                "rank": 0  
                "address": "J4cojhnAdenazghRaNPzQY8vCF6iYgKPpJRifjU2CMNp",  
                "decimals": 6,  
                "liquidity": 547495.7322365416,  
                "logoURI": "",  
                "name": "BAKED",  
                "symbol": "BAKED",  
                "volume24hUSD": 3527918.040501778,  
                "rank": 1  
                "address": "BUvyaUe6P1dbzqjBMFaqcHKxUGWdBBm2ezRW6RipB6j4",  
                "decimals": 6,  
                "liquidity": 425092.85064021597,  
                "logoURI": "",  
                "name": "Windoge98",  
                "symbol": "Windoge98",  
                "volume24hUSD": 1380656.3887991658,  
                "rank": 2  
        "total": 1000  

Response Parameters:

KeyData TypeDetailsExample
updateUnixTimeintegerThe Unix timestamp of the most recent update.1720012620
updateTimestringThe human-readable time of the most recent update."2024-07-03T13:17:00"
tokensarrayThe list of trending tokens.
tokens[].addressstringThe token address."EphmxhQwGYtC3qMBLjywoF7PcCp6XnbBhUVLzz966UR7"
tokens[].decimalsintegerThe number of decimal places for the token.6
tokens[].liquidityfloatThe liquidity of the token.572411.039201234
tokens[].logoURIstringThe URI of the token's logo.""
tokens[].namestringThe name of the token."Barron Trump"
tokens[].symbolstringThe symbol of the token."BARRON"
tokens[].volume24hUSDfloatThe 24-hour trading volume of the token in USD.2793145.1025349544
tokens[].rankintegerThe rank of the token based on the sorting criteria.0
totalintegerThe total number of trending tokens.1000

Note: This endpoint provides a real-time trending list of tokens, making it easy for users to identify and track the most active and liquid tokens in the market.