Trades - Pair
API Endpoint: /defi/txs/pair
Description: This endpoint provides a comprehensive list of token pair transactions, enabling users to monitor swaps and transfers involving specific token pairs on any networks we support. Transactions are ordered chronologically, and the endpoint supports pagination for easy navigation through the transaction history.
Request Method: GET
Data Coverage: Multi-chain
Request URL:
Request Headers:
accept: application/json
x-chain: any chains that Birdeye supports. Example: solana, ethereum
Key | Data Type | Details | Example |
address | string | The address of the pair for which transactions are fetched | "842NwDnKYcfMRWAYqsD3hoTWXKKMi28gVABtmaupFcnS" |
offset | integer | The offset from which to start fetching transaction data | 0 |
limit | integer | The maximum number of transactions to return in the response | 50 |
tx_type | string | The type of transactions to filter by | "swap" |
sort_type | string | The order in which transactions should be sorted | "desc" |
Example Request:
curl --request GET \
--url '' \
--header 'X-API-KEY:c2d6c8d2a892b39c0514'
Response: The response includes a list of transaction items involving the specified token pair, each accompanied by transaction details and source information.
Response format
Data Type | Details | Description |
success | boolean | Indicates whether the request was successful |
data | object | Contains the items array and pagination information |
items | array | An array of transactions. Each transaction is detailed |
hasNext | boolean | Indicates whether there are more records to fetch |
Example Response:
"data": {
"items": [
"txHash": "WuKNTaWYuk18K2WFkwcUR2FosNdeY6h9AvX4U93Tt1fsZ9pHNmyT2c3L5RpCMqVqQmThLJhxmdBXzWqi4YdoGXC",
"source": "raydium",
"blockUnixTime": 1714116459,
"address": "842NwDnKYcfMRWAYqsD3hoTWXKKMi28gVABtmaupFcnS",
"owner": "3jHUxMz7XprojdWFx6RgNzpMmcznUcKSUaKxgyGv3WaW",
"from": {
"symbol": "SOL",
"decimals": 9,
"address": "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112",
"amount": 93000000,
"type": "transfer",
"typeSwap": "from",
"uiAmount": 0.093,
"price": null,
"nearestPrice": 144.26075569403358,
"changeAmount": -93000000,
"uiChangeAmount": -0.093
"to": {
"symbol": "TOM",
"decimals": 9,
"address": "2rJSfgxoWP7h3rw3hDUF7HPToY3exb6FdH9xFBg7TeQk",
"amount": 265575905341,
"type": "transfer",
"typeSwap": "to",
"feeInfo": null,
"uiAmount": 265.575905341,
"price": 0.05051757335560479,
"nearestPrice": 0.050266916041458554,
"changeAmount": 265575905341,
"uiChangeAmount": 265.575905341
"hasNext": true
"success": true
Transaction Detail
Each transaction within the items array may contain:
txHash: The hash identifier of the transaction.
source: The platform or service where the transaction occurred.
blockUnixTime: The Unix timestamp denoting when the transaction was recorded on the blockchain.
from and to: Objects detailing the transaction's source and destination addresses, amounts, symbols, and other relevant metadata.
Note: Replace the address parameter in the request URL with the actual address of the token pair you want to inquire about. The sort_type parameter determines the sorting order for transactions (descending or ascending).
Updated about 16 hours ago