ohlcv pair

API Endpoint: /defi/ohlcv/pair

Description: This endpoint enables you to retrieve historical Open, High, Low, Close, and Volume (OHLCV) data for a specific trading pair on various blockchain networks. By specifying the trading pair's address, OHLCV interval type (e.g., 15 minutes), and the desired time range using Unix timestamps, you can access historical data suitable for analyzing and visualizing the price movements of a specific trading pair.

Request Method: GET

Data Coverage: Multi-chain

Request URL:


Request Headers:

accept: application/json
x-chain: any chains that Birdeye supports. Example: solana, ethereum


  • address (string): The trading pair's token address for which you want to retrieve OHLCV data.
  • type (string): The OHLCV interval type (e.g., 15m for 15 minutes).
  • time_from (int): The Unix timestamp representing the start of the desired time range.
  • time_to (int): The Unix timestamp representing the end of the desired time range. Response: The response provides an array of OHLCV data points for the specified trading pair, each including open, high, low, close, volume, interval type, and Unix timestamp. Example Request:
curl -X 'GET' \
  'https://public-api.birdeye.so/defi/ohlcv/pair?address=9wFFyRfZBsuAha4YcuxcXLKwMxJR43S7fPfQLusDBzvT&type=15m&time_from=1691997839&time_to=1692266639' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'x-chain: solana' \

Example Response:

  "data": {
    "items": [
        "address": "9wFFyRfZBsuAha4YcuxcXLKwMxJR43S7fPfQLusDBzvT",
        "h": 39,
        "o": 39,
        "l": 39,
        "c": 39,
        "type": "15m",
        "v": 0,
        "unixTime": 1691998200
      // More OHLCV data points for the trading pair...
  "success": true

Note: Replace the address in the request URL with the actual trading pair's token address. The x-chain header specifies the blockchain network (Solana), and the X-API-KEY header provides authentication for the premium API.