Historical Price Unix

This endpoint retrieves the historical price of a specified token at the closest available time to a given Unix timestamp.

*API Endpoint:** /defi/historical_price_unix

Description: This endpoint is designed to provide historical price data for tokens at a specific point in time. When queried with a token's address and a Unix timestamp, it returns the token's price and 24-hour price change closest to the specified time in the past. Currently, this endpoint supports querying only a single token on the Solana network and supports data from August 2023 onward.


Request Method: GET

Data Coverage: Solana

Request URL:


Request Headers:

accept: application/json
x-chain: any chains that Birdeye supports. Example: solana, ethereum


KeyData TypeDetailsExample
addressstringThe Solana token address to retrieve historical prices for.So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112
unixtimeintegerThe Unix timestamp representing the specific point in time you are interested in.1717662038


The response provides an array of historical token price for the specified token address, each including the update Unix time, and price value.

Example Request:

curl -X 'GET' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'x-chain: solana' \

Example Response:

    "data": {
        "value": 140.80987179433274,
        "updateUnixTime": 1720498769,
        "priceChange24h": 7.87993650071166
    "success": true

Response Parameters:

KeyData TypeDetailsExample
valuefloatThe price of the token at the Unix timestamp172.45702008233184
updateUnixTimeintegerThe Unix timestamp1717662029
priceChange24hnumberThe 24-hour price change in percentage closest to the Unix timestamp. If data for the full 24-hour period is unavailable, this field will be blank or null.7.87993650071166

Note: In this example, the API returns the price (172.45702008233184) of the token at the closest available time (1717662029) to the provided Unix timestamp.