Get price updates of multiple tokens in a single API call. Maximum 100 tokens

This endpoint is accessible with the following API plans

  • Starter
  • Premium
  • Business
  • Enterprise

Please note that each x-chain will have a different response schema due to its nature. Kindly check the example response for more information.

💡 Suggestions
  • This endpoint is designed to retrieve price updates for multiple tokens in a single query.
  • You can obtain the token address through multiple sources: defi/tokenlist or defi/v3/token/list.
  • The list_address in request body is required and should be provided as a comma-separated list (,), and you can fine-tune your results by specifying check_liquidity and include_liquidity to filter tokens that best match your needs.
  • Historical price data can also be retrieved at: defi/history_price or defi/historical_price_unix
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!